If you find our Encouragements-Parts 01, 02, 03, 04 &  Twitter X Posts (see bottom of page) useful to you, you may buy our Consultants a drink, as the majority of the works are done by them. 8-)


This Account is managed and has been topped-up regularly by our Angel Investor Buddies to help those who are in need:

POSB Bank Account no: 083-90285-0

Name of Account Holder (Webmaster): Goh Cheow Leng Maria

All Thanks and Glory to Daddy God the Creator of the entire Universe for His bountiful Blessings.


Compiled by:

Emmanuel & Maria International Consultants LLP

1st uploaded on 16 December 2021



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Defeat Dementia! Breakthrough!


Life Giving EncouragementsPart 1, Part 2, Part 3B, Part 4


COVID-19 Protection         COVID-19 Singapore          Elderly Care 



After much research, we have compiled the Mass Readings, Saints’ Commentaries and others that we find useful to share with you. You need to login to Twitter X to see all the Posts:

Latest updates, Latest Media Posts

Other Useful updates here <-starting from 1 Sept. 2024.tm

2025: Christmas Season, Ordinary Time,

2024: Ordinary Time , Lent , Easter , Advent & Christmas

2023: Ordinary Time, Lent , Easter, Advent & Christmas

2022: Ordinary Time, Lent & Easter, Advent & Christmas

2021: Ordinary Time, Lent , Easter, Ordinary Time, Advent & Christmas

2020: Advent & Christmas . The earlier Posts have been archived by Twitter X.