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Important Note: Kindly be informed that with effect from 10 April 2019, we will not be using Twitter as we found out that a great part of our Tweets were being wiped out without prior notice. Everyone who has been following our Tweets should know who the “masterminds” are. Presently, we are working to re-construct the important messages that we had posted in the Twitter Account which we abandoned on 10 April 2019. Thanks & have a good day.
We are a group of 768,232 Professionals in Singapore (Followers of the Singapore Prime Minister & Deputy Prime Minister in Social Medias) & have been actively encouraging all & promoting the Prosperity of the Nation with our own resources since May 2015. We love all of Goodwill around the World & we welcome you to our Garden City for Business & Investment.
Do you need more clarification? Contact +65 9338 4746 to book a Free Consultation Session, the friendly Consultants will clarify any doubts you have.
This webpage was first launched on 10 January 2018.
Daily Blessings to You from Emmanuel Goh & Friends new!
Status of COVID-19 in Singapore Daily updates! Singapore General Election,10 July 2020
Important updates are listed on top in red, all other updates are listed below including the newer ones. Thanks.
Important Updates: Last updated on 29 February 2020
Table of Contents to help you to navigate new! NEW! (published on 28-29 February 2020) Look at this Bloomberg article (By Philip J. Heijmans) published by Yahoo SG, see how they sang Some SG Top Wicked Fellows praises. Can you believe that it is not paid for? Earlier we have requested Bloomberg & Yahoo to report on the “1-13 goodies” but there is no response, it only shows how $$$$$$$$$$$ can let the Wicked “sugar-coat” their evil deeds to make them appear praiseworthy around the World. Thanks to ALL who have colluded with the Wicked, justice is denied and the World is darkened! Now we need Sponsors to help us to have these goodies 1-13 published for the World to see; especially the Singaporeans. We will definitely repay your kindness. Many thanks.
Updates on 31 & 8 August 2019 by LS1965 & P65 See new videos in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil publish on TV 24/7 to ENCOURAGE you to top up your CPF! Be ready for retirement? You decide if what you have top up now will still be there after many years of unknown coverage MediShield Life Premium deductions and later CareShield Life too! Let’s see if the smart Singaporeans will get conned by the “You know who”! Shall we make them cry after the next General Election to take place before 15 January 2021? Nothing physical please!
Updates on 11 September 2019 by LS1965 & P65 Wow! Just announced by PAP Mr Lawrence Wong: More first-time HDB flat buyers to get higher grants; income ceiling for eligible buyers raised. Walk into a new HDB 5-room flat (or other type) now & compare with an old one of the same type, don’t you feel it’s much smaller? See old articles reported and you decide if they are still applicable: Have the sizes of HDB flats been reduced over the years? 5 biggest Singaporean HDB flat complaints (besides the 99-year lease) HDB flats size 1960-2010 analysis: are the flats shrinking? Flat designed to house 3.4 persons, so with your 2 children and 2 aged parents, you need to buy 2 flats instead? But each of these Singapore Rulers is living in a big house (?) and contributed less than us who are promoting Singapore & helping the People to find work Free of charge! Can Journalists please report? See the HDB Flat Price goes up by close to 400% from 1980s to 2010s but Flat becomes smaller! You decide if the PAP Government has first jacked up the Price then promises you a huge grant to make you happy! Welcome to Singapore to see!
Updates on 3 September 2019 by LS1965 & P65 Foreign talent issue can be 'easily stirred up' but vital for Singapore: Chan Chun Sing See the reactions from the People Read the Articles & you decide if the Singapore Rulers are leaving out the Singaporeans knowing fully well that now the Singapore Full-time Jobs Participation Rate is less than 50%! Do they intend to sleep on this & make us poorer & with more unlawful MediShield Life Premium deductions? Dear Singapore Rulers, Are you telling us that the Singaporeans are unfit for the jobs? We remind you now that they are graduates from the Singapore Universities and Institutions! We will let the People decide if these institutions can only produce graduates unfit for the Singapore Economy according to the Rulers’ Standards & wasting our money? The Rulers say we are unfit for the Jobs! We will let the People decide if they are unfit as Rulers! Each of these Rulers are paid more than 3-4 times the salary of United States President Trump, can you see any improvement to the Singapore Economy with their governing? See our earlier Updates below, please rate them & comment in the World Wide Web! You decide after creating so many nuisances, can you still rely on such people to lead Singapore forward? Vote carefully in the next General Election before 15 January 2021! “Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done.” (Isaiah 3:11) Welcome to Singapore to see!
Updates on 25 August 2019 by LS1965 & P65 These are the Singapore Rulers’ words:
These are the Singapore Rulers’ deeds: - MediShield Life Scheme Act 2015: to impose (Demand Note, Fine, Suit, Jail & Threat to sell your house) should you default on the Insurance Premium Payment! - Income Tax (Amendment) Bill (Passed): New Sections 65F to 65K empowers the Comptroller to forced entry, arrest without a warrant, to detain, search & criminalize etc. See page 87 onwards. - Films Act: Sections 23, 34, 36 & 37 on related search, seize & arrest. - Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act 2018 (GST): Anymore? We are yet to check when we have time! We will let the World decide if the Rulers’ words are sugar coated and whether they tally with their deeds! Dear Smart Singaporeans, with a scale of 1 to 10, how will you grade them? Now the Full-time Jobs Participation has been less than 50% for years! Shall we make this tally with their result in the next General Election before 15 January 2021? Welcome to Singapore to see!
Updates on 30 October 2019 by LS1965 & P65 The Minister of Home Affairs is K. Shanmugam, we will let the World decide who is the Mastermind involved in this! Latest updates: Informant, Witness. These harassment cases from the Police all started because we have informed All using Social Media concerning the Unjust Laws passed in Parliament to oppress the People (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm). The Masterminds are unable locate us so that they instruct the Police to go after scapegoats, who is the elderly Informant now after the Witness case. See the solution and the sample letter you can use if the same happens to you in Updates on 30 June 2019.
If you have not committed any crime or have never been present at any crime scene, and yet the Singapore Police contact you, what should you do? You know they could not possibly give you a good job or credit millions of dollars into your bank account! To avoid further trouble, here’s the quick fix: BLOCK Them! See what they do to good & efficient Singapore citizens who have committed no crime! When the Masterminds hate you, they will first get the Police to nail charges on you! You should know who the Masterminds are; they have full control of the Police Force!
See the real cases happening in Singapore now: CID Police Officers busy pasting Police Notices at the Company Entrance of a Business Owner (who commits no crime) with numerous harassing phone calls in April 2019; In May 2019, Police from the Bedok Police Station wrongfully accused the elderly family member of the aforesaid Business Owner for refusing to refund money wrongly transferred! We will let the World decide if the PAP Rulers have instructed the Police Officers to do so or they have no control over their Police Officers for behaving like “loan sharks” causing distress & harm to innocent Singapore citizens! Do the PAP Rulers have other excuses? Dear Smart Singaporeans, you should know what to do in the next General Election to happen before 15 January 2021! Welcome to see the unique Singapore Drama! 8-D PAP Rulers, what we have just stated are facts & there is no element of defamation & harassment against you! The World can be our Judge here! 如果你们没办法使人民不再无辜受欺压,就请自动消失!
Updates on 24 August 2019 by LS1965 & P65 Did you see Mrs Josephine Teo busy appearing in TV News on 23 August 2019 explaining the above-mentioned? Do you think the Singapore Government is using this to appear busy only? See how the Singapore exports had plunged in our Updates dated 16 August 2019 below? Now the problem is NOT Retirement Age! When your Employer “close shop”, you will be retrenched regardless of your age! NOT Retirement! Dear Rulers, we remind you again, now the full-time Jobs Participation Rate in Singapore is BELOW 50%! Dear Singapore Rulers, please show us your X-Factor in boosting FDIs into Singapore to drive up your Tax Income & our Jobs Participation, if the Singaporeans still unable to work on quality jobs before the General Election before 15 January 2021, we will let all decide if PAP will end up “close shop”! Do you know each of these Singapore Rulers is paid at least 3-4 times the pay of United States President Trump? Dear smart Singaporeans, do you think they should show that kind of “brains & result” to match their pay? Welcome to Singapore & judge for yourselves if the Singapore Rulers are really wise!
Updates on 22 August 2019 by LS1965 & P65 Government help schemes to be more ‘company-centric’: Chan Chun Sing Can All the SMEs please go and test this out to confirm if the Government is telling the Truth and lives up to their promises! Skill Future Credits for each $500.00? Many submitted the claims & still get nothing! MediShield Life Premium deductions? Till this day no hard copy documents given to us to confirm the coverage! The Government only threatens you that should you default, how “Demand Note, Fine, Suit, Jail & Threat to sell your house” will be imposed on you! Dear PAP Government, if you really love and care for the People, SHOW US! Or is the Government going to use the Funds collected with MediShield Life to fund the SMEs? Don’t you know the Singapore Full-time Jobs Participation fell below 50% for years with LOW Tax Income? Welcome to Singapore to see if the Smart Singaporeans will get conned!
Updates on 16 August 2019 by LS1965 & P65
These are the facts reported! The Highest Paid Unwise are so busy with unlawful deductions on MediShield Life Premiums, Casinos & Online Gambling that they have Failed/ Refused to boost Singapore’s economy! They can’t even plough back enough revenue to support Singapore’s Economy with their Gambling operations! Now the Full-time Jobs Participation Rate is below 50%!
We will let the World decide if the Highest Paid Unwise are already running out of bullets to boost the economy or they are already “brain dead”! 8-D We hate them for causing this damage and now we can confirm that we would be better off WITHOUT THEM!
Dear Smart Singaporeans, we need to be united to work harder to make the “Singapore Boat” stay afloat and to help others too, so that all of us can sail safely and reach the Port! As for those wicked Unwise who have been working to cause us damage, shall we make them sink eternally in the next General Election to happen before 15 January 2021?
No physical violence please! But it is legally acceptable for you to pray to God who may send His invisible Angels to punch them! 8-D
Updates on 13 August 2019 by LS1965 & P65 Singapore cuts economic growth forecast to 0-1% for 2019.
Blame all on the trade war between United States and China? Just a fat excuse for those Unwise who refuse to admit that the unlawful deductions from MediShield Life and Gambling operations in Casinos and Online Gambling have been killing the Singapore economy!
Dear Life Givers in Singapore, it is time for us to quickly repair the damage & find ways to boost FDIs & Jobs Participation! You can’t expect those Unwise having the brains to do this! We have given them chance since the 2015 General Election and things have only become worse!
Welcome to Singapore to see the fair competition between the Smart Singaporeans & Highly Paid Unwise! Isn’t it obvious to you who will be the ultimate winners?
Updates on 8 August 2019 by LS1965 & P65 August is always a special month for the Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, because we will celebrate our National Day on 9 August each year! But there is something more important for those who are eligible to withdraw their CPF now! Grab all your money out of your CPF Account before they go missing with the unknown coverage MediShield Life deductions! Will the Singapore Government shut down? 8-D
Those who think that they will need to default on the premium payments to keep themselves alive in this bad economy, don’t worry, all of us understand as many are struggling too! No $$ to pay for MediShield Life Premiums? Don’t worry! Be Happy! What should I do if the m*nst*rs come after me? Here’s the quick fix: Call you / SMS you? Block them! Knock your Door? Don’t open! Send you letters? Ignore them! Send you registered post? Don’t acknowledge! Send you “Demand note”? Quickly upload to social media such as Twitter, Facebook etc. for the World to see! Contact +65 9338 4746 to book a Free Consultation Session, the friendly Consultants will help you. We have our Network to help you to circulate around the World to make the m*nst*rs famous immediately! Welcome to Singapore to see! 8-D
Updates on 25 July 2019 by LS1965 & P65 4G leaders must forge 'renewed bond of trust' with voters: DPM Heng (dated 24 July 2019) Singapore to update Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act: Shanmugam (dated 24 July 2019) With the following Laws passed in Parliament to enforce against the People, we will let the World decide who the troublemakers are and whether they are able to lead Singapore to Prosperity: - MediShield Life Scheme Act 2015 – Impose Demand Note, Fine, Suit, Jail against you & Threat to sell your house if you dare to default on insurance premium payment! - Income Tax (Amendment) Bill (Passed): New Sections 65F to 65K empowers the Comptroller to forced entry, arrest without a warrant, to detain, search & criminalize etc. See page 87 onwards. - Films Act: Sections 23, 34, 36 & 37 on related search, seize & arrest. - Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act 2018 (GST): ---- Dear Smart Singaporeans, let’s vote wisely in the next General Election before 15 January 2021! Vote for the wrong one & you will be a billion times worse than marry Freddy! Welcome to Singapore!
——————————————- Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you. |