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This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65. Dear Friends, this webpage & the related was found hacked and turned BLANK on 1 May 2020, 5:50 SGT. This is the 5th hacked incident (see the earlier related incidents)! You should know who are the masterminds behind this!
BIG News! From @Michael65413248 (dated 23 July 2020): “To avoid adverse comments being seen by the World, the BIG Bullies have instructed @YahooSG to suspend all article commenting. See past records extracted here http://emmanuel-maria.biz/index_files/Page3164.htm http://emmanuel-maria.biz/index_files/Page3339.htm Reply this with your comments & we will RT you! #Singapore #COVID19 #SG” Please reply to this tweet for your comments, we will extract & display in our web! Have a good day!
PM Lee: I will use PAP's 'clear mandate' responsibly (reported on 11 July 2020) You see the PAP Government’s Track Record stated in items 1-13 below & the comments of the People from Page 1 to Page 15 after they have given PAP a strong mandate in the Singapore General Election 2015. We let the World see if any of you can identify items that are beneficial to the People to boost our Prosperity or Jobs Participation Rate! All we can see now is increasing number of People jobless or underemployed! Welcome to Singapore to see!
GE2020: ELD apologises for miscommunication that prevented woman from voting – report (Reported on 14 July 2020) GE2020: 101 overseas Singaporeans unable to vote due to 'glitch' in ICA system (Reported on 4 July 2020) GE2020: ELD apologises, to do thorough review of Polling Day long queues (reported dated 14 July 2020) Not true that GE2020 self-inking pens not stamping properly, rendering votes invalid: ELD (reported on 10 July 2020) Please see the Reports & the comments of the People below the reports. Were the Opposition Parties aware of the dirty Tricks of the Big Bullies? Do we need to arrange for a recount? Do you think that the Oppositions (in total) may have won the majority in such a situation?
Has the PAP lived up to its promises? Academics look back at its 2015 manifesto (reported by The Independent on 28 June 2020) Our comments: You see how these so called “Academics” busied singing the Big Bullies praises, ignoring the facts that have been happening in Singapore listed in our Table of Contents & the COVID-19 situation in Singapore, see below! Please note their names & where they come from! Shame on them, violating their conscience & coating evil deeds with honey! You decide how much they have been paid to give such “excellent” comments! Many Thanks to such people, the world is darkened and Truth & Justice are denied!
GE2020: PAP launches manifesto focusing on jobs, economy and keeping lives safe amid COVID-19 pandemic (by CNA, updated on 28 June 2020) Our comments: The People please look at the PAP manifesto every now & then, let’s check if they will live up to their promises!
PARLIAMENTARY GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS (click on the Year to view the result)
BIG News! NOT Singapore General Election yet but Bloggers went MISSING! Click to see who! (Last updated: 25 June 2020)
The Singapore General Election has been confirmed on 10 July 2020, but the People have NOT received the Polling cards on 30 June 2020! The Big Bullies want to stop us from voting? See more here. See the People’s comments extracted! 8-D We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!
What are the tricks the Wicked play to win the General Election? New!
See the People’s comments below the News reports after our Table of Contents.
Table of Contents Status of COVID-19 in Singapore new!
The “COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Bill” was passed in the Singapore Parliament on 7 April 2020. See highlights & summary of the important provisions. New!
Parliamentary Elections (COVID-19 Special Arrangements) Bill introduced on 7 April 2020. New!
See the important items here: 2. Other Laws Passed in Parliament that will have a great impact 3. Criminalising the Scapegoats 4. Became obstacles to us when we were looking for Jobs Opportunities for Job Seekers 5. Are you still finding a suitable job? 6. Are you planning to buy a HDB Flat soon? 8. Busy hacking our Webpages that they have no time to protect you from data leak? 9. Welcome to Singapore the Gambling Hub? 10. Singapore Government Tenders 12. Have you heard of the PAP Government Whips? 13. Reported 1000 Homeless in the Smart Nation Singapore (November 2019)! Will the number be rising?
List incomplete… More will be added when we find others important to you.
See the People’s comments below each of these Reports! Please comment actively as this will serve as the perpetual record: Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports! Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D Latest!
12 July 2020 Report: Singapore’s Version of a Political Shock Upends the Old Playbook 11 July 2020 Reports: GE2020: WP scores stunning win in Sengkang, 2nd GRC ever to be won by opposition GE2020: No seats for PSP, but party has caused a ripple: Tan Cheng Bock GE2020: PAP loses most seats to opposition since independence, vote share falls to 61.24% Dear smart Singaporeans, Many Thanks for your wonderful comments below this News report! 8-D There is NO Shadow Cabinet in Singapore, the smart Singaporeans will form the Shadow Cabinet to conduct checks & balances on the PAP Government to voice out in the world wide web (www) for the World to see. Thank you.
East Coast GRC needs help, see message from Terrence! 8 July 2020 Reports: COVID-19 taskforce urges vigilance as number of unlinked community cases rise COVID-19: 4 student cases from 4 schools linked to household infections GE2020: Singaporeans able to see past 'sound and fury', focus on key concerns – Chan Chun Sing 7 July 2020 Reports: COMMENT: PAP should clarify what it means by 'strong mandate' GE2020: Workers' Party is not 'pulling its punches' in spite of POFMA, says Pritam Singh GE2020: Building inclusive society a key challenge for Singapore – Tharman Shanmugaratnam GE2020: Police investigating man believed to have made report on WP candidate Raeesah Khan GE2020: 'Good friends' PSP's Tan Cheng Bock, SDP's Paul Tambyah reiterate call for COVID-19 debate On The Mic: GE2020 – Kumaran Pillai of the Progress Singapore Party 6 July 2020 Report: Our comments: Any “recycled” manifestos of the Opposition are still better than the Big Bullies making Laws to grab our CPF money (against our wishes) using MediShield Life (item 1), CareShield Life (item 11) & making other Laws to “break in, arrest without a warrant etc.” (see item 2) & more here; these are something unheard of in any democratic society! Now despite being paid much more than other Rulers in the World, you see how they can screw-up the COVID-19 situation in Singapore!
6 July 2020 Reports: GE2020: Don't be taken in by those saying it's important just to have more choices - PM Lee Our comments: We need to have enough Oppositions in the Parliament to stop unjust Laws being made to oppress the People; there are plenty of them: See items 1 & 2 & item 11. GE2020: I'm determined to see through COVID-19 crisis, hand over Singapore in good order – PM Lee Our comments: Let’s see if he can keep his promise. You see the number of new COVID-19 cases DAILY; super high for a small red dot on the Global Map! We are embarrassed! GE2020: Historic Admiralty House to be converted into public library – Ong Ye Kung 5 July 2020 Reports: Our comments: Shall All of us vote for the Oppositions & let the PAP take the NCMP seats? Look at our General Election & COVID-19 Webpages, you decide if the Big Bullies still fit to run the Government! NCMP scheme is ‘stabiliser’ to steer ‘sampan-sized’ Singapore's political system: Goh Chok Tong Our comments: Vote for the Oppositions & let the Big Bullies be the ‘stabiliser’? Let’s try this out to determine their KPI! Don’t worry, the KPI of all the smart Singaporeans far exceeds them! Thank God, He has been helping us as we work 24/7 to keep Singapore afloat despite their nuisance: see our General Election & COVID-19 Webpages. GE2020: POFMA corrections issued to CNA, others, over report of Paul Tambyah's comments Our comments: See the People’s comments. We will let the World decide if the Big Bullies are finding fault with words to humiliate the Oppositions!
5 July 2020 Reports: GE2020: Surge of credible, capable alternative candidates in this election – Lee Hsien Yang GE2020: The quiet men of the Worker's Party making up for lost time in Aljunied GRC
4 July 2020 Reports: POFMA order issued to Facebook pages of SDP, PV and TOC over false 10m population statement GE2020: SDP, RP and SPP candidates pledge to become full-time MPs GE2020: Promises made by PAP during GE2015 were ‘simply forgotten’ – PSP Francis Yuen GE2020: Workers' Party East Coast candidate Nicole Seah returns to the limelight
29 June 2020 Report: No need to vote opposition as NCMP scheme ensures their voice in Parliament: Indranee Rajah Our comments: Based on the past 5 years performance of the Ruling Party as stated in our GE2020 & COVID-19 Websites, don’t you think it is better to rephrase her statement as: “No need to vote PAP as NCMP scheme ensures their voice in Parliament”! 19 October 2019 Report:
See the earlier News reports next page...
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you. |