Published by: LS1965 & P65

Compiled on 26 June 2020, 14:19 SGT

Last updated: 7 July 2020, 7:02 SGT (earlier updates are below)


What are the tricks the Wicked play to win the General Election? See our compilation! 8-D


Updates on 3-7 July 2020

Dear smart Singaporeans, we need your help. You see the supporters of the Big Bullies have been busy colluding with the Monsters (since January 2015 and earlier) to give us the items 1-13 to oppress the People which we have listed in our General Election Webpage, now they are helping them hanging posters, giving out flyers & doing other things to win the General Election 2020. They also helped to screw up our works to help Singaporeans find work.  Thanks to them, we have been working 24/7 to repair the damage. Please help us to take the photographs of their faces & give us their names (if possible), we want to compile them and put on the “www” & have their names & identities circulated around the World. Please email the related articles to us at “lovesingapore1965@yahoo.com”. Many Thanks.

Important! Till this day (more than 2 months have passed), the PAP Government still refuses to give us a proper & detail account on how our Reserves have been spent! See here! They dissolved the Singapore Parliament on 23 June 2020! Did they also dissolve the $Hundreds of Billions of Reserve & refuse to account for it? Did the $$$$$$$ end up in the wrong pockets? Never vote for the Big Bullies until they have given us a proper account for all the smart Singaporeans to audit, and you are convinced that the money has been spent wisely to help the Singaporeans!

Want us to sleep on it & refuse to make them accountable? NO WAY!


Doing hateful works as listed in our General Election Webpage NOT enough, now the Monsters are so fearful that the People will kick them out on 10 July 2020, so they send out many vans  to make “Loud Announcements” around Singapore to induce People to vote for them! Don’t you think they are shameless? Unlawfully grabbing $$$$$$ from our CPF medisave using MediShield Life, and yet can screw up the economy (even they are drawing fat salaries) and be totally defeated by this COVID-19! Now they are making these announcements marketing themselves & producing unbearable noise pollution in our Peaceful environment! Let the “******” (Here is the audio “id*ots” talk) in Singapore please faithfully support them & vote for them! Listen to this audio, the World should know why Singapore always has this record high “3 digit” new COVID-19 DAILY. The wise Rulers would have issued (or encouraged the People to buy) reusable fabric masks started in January 2020 to contain the COVID-19, don’t you think so? It seems that they don’t know this basic! Welcome to Singapore when we open our borders to all visitors!


See the criticisms on the PAP Government’s Population White Paper (PWP) in Wikipedia:

“Many Singaporeans have attributed the government's population and immigration policy as the cause of overcrowding and falling reliability of its public transportation system, increasing property prices for housing, suppressed wage level, increased competition for jobs (especially for professionals, managers, executives and technicians and education, increasing income inequality and other social problems. Academics have also criticized the PWP as being "overly mechanistic, economically simplistic and astonishingly sociologically and politically naive". The PWP has become one of the largest political issues raised in the 2015 general elections.”

We must welcome all who come to Singapore, but you see how the PAP Government has boosted the numbers of Foreign Talents until the stage that Foreign Talents take up most of the Jobs that the Singaporeans were trained and good at & made them jobless (see Wikipedia):

“Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and various government agencies have spoken out against a rising anti-foreigner sentiment after Singaporeans expressed outrage at disparaging statements made by foreigners residing in Singapore. For example, in March 2012, Sun Xu, a scholar from China studying in the National University of Singapore, made a remark in his blog that "there are more dogs than humans in Singapore". This was weeks after a revelation in parliament that SGD36 million worth of scholarships were awarded to 2,000 foreign students every year, something that is unheard of in other countries. The government was accused of disadvantaging local students in places for education and affordability…

Further incidents have also fanned local sentiments against expatriates and foreign workers in Singapore, for example, the publicity over negative comments about the locals by banker Anton Casey and Filipino nurse Ed Mundsel Bello Ello. In the case of Anton Casey, he had posted comments on Facebook which had abused, variously, a taxi driver and Singaporean commuters in general. For Ello Ed Mundsel Bello, he suggested that Singaporeans could not compete with Filipinos.”

Can someone please help to update the Table “Population size and growth by residential status in selected year”? The Singaporeans are interested to know starting from 2012, how many immigrants that the PAP Government has taken in to displace the Singaporeans and has made them out of job. Many Thanks.


Have you received the Polling cards which allow you to vote on 10 July 2020? If your answer is “No”, then quickly report in social media besides make a formal complaint against them in writing! The Big Bullies will only take action quickly when any complaint against them is published for the World to see and for their spies (civil servants) to pick up; that’s the way they work!


Have they solved your problems which you spent time to report to them in the “Meet the People” session? No? Then vote for someone else! Many complained to us that their “Meet the People” session is the start of their nightmares, where they caused the People more distress with many “merry-go-rounds” & you end up more pathetic!


See the comments of the People on #GE2020SG here.


We will continue when new information comes in…


Updates on 27-30 June 2020

Check your mail boxes now! See, till this day 30 June 2020, the Polling cards have not been delivered to us, but the Singapore General Election will take place on 10 July 2020! There is only 2 possibilities: either the Big Bullies refuse to give us the Polling cards on time to stop us from voting or their efficiency is negative with their fat salaries! Honestly, if we were asked to deliver the Polling cards to all eligible voters, we could complete the work within 1 day. You dare to vote for such People? Unable to organise their teams to do the work efficiently in addition to what stated in our General Election Webpage & COVID-19 Webpage!


This round knowing that they will flop in the coming General Election, the Big Bullies introduced many new candidates to help them sway the People’s vote to them. No matter how good they are, we refuse to look at them & their profiles! Why? Because of the PAP Government Whip (see item 12), ALL belongs to the PAP will need to vote as what the PAP Prime Minister directs, if these newbies don’t want to get kicked out & lost their fat salaries (if PAP wins in this General Election)!

You know Mr. Heng Swee Keat will be the next Prime Minister if PAP wins the General Election this round! What is specifically his track record? See item 2!

- Income Tax (Amendment) Bill (Passed): New Sections 65F to 65K empowers the Comptroller to forced entry, arrest without a warrant, to detain, search & criminalize etc. See page 87 onwards (drafted by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat & Team).

- Films Act: Sections 23, 34, 34A, 34B, 36 & 37 on related search, seize & arrest.

- Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act 2018 (GST):

New amended Sections 83E to 83J on provisions “to arrest without a warrant under certain circumstances, entry, search & seize” etc.. (drafted by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat & Team).

See the other Oppressive Laws PASSED BY the PAP Rulers & all their MPs (Non-exhaustive! We need time to dig up more):

MediShield Life (see item 1) & CareShield Life (see item 11)

Demand Note, Fine, Suit & Jail + (Threat to sell your house for MediShield Life)” if you dare to default on the insurance payments! You decide these are Extortions?

See other bullying tactics of Monsters in our General Election Webpage!

Now each smart Singaporean will decide on your own destiny: Whether you want to be the Master or Slave? Whether you want a Government that cares for the People to work for your well-being or vote for a group of wicked Slave-drivers to form the Government to oppress us! Kindly be reminded that till this day, $hundreds of billions has been (will be) spent these 2 months & later in the name of fighting this COVIOD-19 but ALL you can see is the big screw-up with absolutely no workable solutions from them! You know what we meant!


Updates on 26 June 2020

You know that we have been preparing for this coming Singapore General Election starting from April 2015, even before the last General Election in 2015, as the Big Bullies have been working aggressively to enrich themselves from the People’s suffering! See what they did and are still doing to us now in our General Election Webpage!


We have our Legal Consultants to compile on the MediShield Life matters & we started to help the Big Bullies to market what they want to impose on us “Demand Note, Fine, Suit and Jail + Threat to sell your house”, other unjust Laws that they passed in Parliament to oppress the People (see item 2) on Twitter & find ways to help many to find work by intensively marketing using Twitter. We enjoyed many Retweets from Friends around the World & they helped us to make the Big Bullies famous!


The Big Bullies were very furious that we are smarter than the Government’s Intelligence as despite all their efforts, they could not locate any one of us out of the millions. Finally they found a scapegoat (hereinafter referred to as “the Witness”) who knows nothing about our whereabouts & started to harass her & her business (see item 3). The Witness was helped by the Publisher to rebut the Singapore CID Police Officers of unjust accusations. We then put the Police Officer’s name on the web to circulate around the World. Now that Singapore CID police officer Pan Bifu went into hiding! The Singapore Rulers are vicariously liable of their police officers acts, but till this day, NO apology from them & NO compensation paid to the Witness on damages inflicted!


The Big Bullies then instructed Twitter to suspend all our accounts on 10 April 2019. This was a tragic day for all of us, many of us suffered much with our minds went “blank”, but we were quick to recover and within a few days, we started with our aggressive publishing on our webpages with the help of the Publisher and later we found others to help us to post our messages on social media…See our webpages LS1965 & P65.


Seeing that their harassing plans ended up in complete failure, the Big Bullies arranged someone credited SGD 1000.00 into the Witness elderly Relative’s (hereinafter referred to as “the Informant”) DBS account & accused her of stealing. With the help of the Publisher, the accusations from the Singapore Police Officers were successfully rebutted. Now we help to circulate the names and contacts of the Police Officers Mr Seow Ming Huat & Ms Diana Tay around the world  & they now too went into hiding (see item 3).


The Big Bullies were fuming as they were outwitted by us over and over again, so they arranged for the Web Hosting Supplier Vodien to have our webpages hacked 5 times & turned them all blank! The last round happened on 25 June 2020, 16:58 SGT, they disabled us to upload new materials by turning off the Server.


COVID-19 entered Singapore in January 2020 & expose the inherent defects of the Big Bullies. See our COVID-19 Webpage & you will know what we meant: a complete screw-up! The Big Bullies are totally defeated by this COVID-19!


This round is the worst: we discovered on 21 June 2020 many Bloggers who commented actively on COVID-19 went missing, some reappeared these 2 days & we have deleted their records. We are still in the midst of finding who are still missing! The Big Bullies could not sue them for spreading falsehood or defamation, so they make them disappeared! You decide if the Singapore Police Force has a hand in this!


The coming Singapore General Election is set on 10 July 2020, but till 25 June 2020, we received NO Polling cards that allow us to vote! You decide if the Big Bullies want to deliver the Polling cards to us only after the General Election to stop us from voting!


Dear Opposition Parties in Singapore, to ensure your victory, you would better work harder to check on the self-inking pens & papers that would be used for voting to ensure that they are not so “special or sensitive” that they allow the “X” to disappear after a certain Time, at a certain Temperature or Humidity! When the Wicked become desperate grabbing hold onto a “sinking boat”, they will try all kinds of dirty tricks worse than what we mentioned above!


Dear fellow beloved Singaporeans, it was mentioned in this Straits Time News dated 25 June 2020 that “Anyone who has a temperature of above 37.5 deg C will be refused entry. A decision will be made later on whether those with fever or respiratory symptoms will be allowed to vote.” So please avoid all kinds of “heaty food”, you know what we mean & wear your facemasks “faithfully”, we want you to stay safe and healthy always not only for voting but also to help rebuild Singapore after this “?????” created by the Big Bullies. See you on the Polling Day.




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